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International Congresses on Education 2017

Budapest/Hungary   18-21 May 2017

Paper Guidelines

Paper Guidelines

At first participants should upload their abstracts (in .doc or .docx file format). All abstracts submitted to congress undergo blind review process by at least two anonymous reviewers. The reviewers are chosen from the scientific committee. Typically, the field coordinators will seek reviewers’ feedback before considering your submission for acceptance. In that case, the field coordinator will wait until he/she receives all reviewer comments on your submission. The field coordinator will then e-mail you directly with a decision. The proceedings are accepted according to the abstracts you have uploaded. Until the congress you can upload your full paper(s). Meanwhile, you have opportunity to revise your proceeding according to feedbacks that you will take in the congress. Therefore, full paper submission deadline was set at a date after the congress (15 June 2017).

Abstract Format

All abstracts need to include the short abstract followed by long abstract which should include the topic and the problem, significance of the study, the objective and the methods used in the research, results and a short discussion/conclusion. Moreover, keywords (4-6 keywords) need to be added at the end of the short abstract (100-150 words). The long abstract should include minimum 500 words and maximum 700 words. Both abstracts should be provided in the same WS Word file.

For the Abstract Template please click here.

There are three types of presentation:

·         Single Oral Presentation

·         Interactive Poster Presentation

·         Virtual Presentations

Single Oral Presentation

This presentation format allows for 15 minutes of individual presentation time followed by a 5 minute discussion session moderated by a chairperson. Each accepted paper will be scheduled in a session of 80 minutes, normally with four presenters.

Interactive Poster Presentation

Dedicated poster sessions will be scheduled in the conference programme. In each of these sessions there will be 15 posters. Each poster in the session will include a graphic presentation of a research study on visual display of size A0 (0,841m x 1,189m) in “portrait” format. Each poster holder will orally present their research in approximately 3 minutes in the area of the poster displays to an audience gathered as a group in front of each poster. The chairperson will organise the interactive poster sections.

For the Interactive Poster Presentation Template please click here.

Virtual Presentations

Participants must submit a previously recorded video (allowed formats for the videos are .avi, .mp4 & .flv) about their presentation, which will be played to the audiences in the scheduled session. While the video presentation is played congress team will connect with the presenter via Skype. Then, the audiences will have the opportunity to ask their questions to the presenter. Appropriate presentation time (15 min for video presentation and 5 min Skype connection for Q&A) will be allocated to every presenter. The virtual presenters have to send their recorded videos until 08 May 2017 due to technical arrangements.

For recording virtual presentation please click here.


For the Full Text Template please click here.

For the Interactive Poster Presentation Template please click here.


ERPA 2017-SHS Web of Conferences Issue

Dear Colleague,

It is with great pleasure to inform you that selected full texts presented in ERPA 2017 have been published in SHS Web of Conferences. 

ERPA 2017 Issue

Date of Announcement:   2017-08-18

Book of Proceedings

Dear Colleague,

It is with great pleasure to inform you that ERPA International Congresses on Education 2017 Book of Proceedings has been published online...

ERPA 2017 e-Book of Proceedings

Date of Announcement:   2017-08-01

Book of Abstracts

For the ERPA International Congresses on Education 2017 Book of Abstracts please click here.

Date of Announcement:   2017-08-01


Dear ERPA International Congresses on Education 2017 Participants, 

ERPA International Congresses on Education 2017 that was held in Budapest was conducted in a nice and fruitful atmosphere and with a great success. We would like to thank all of you for your participation and contributions to the ERPA International Congresses on Education 2017 in Budapest on May 18-21, 2017.  Meanwhile, we wish all of you a great success in your work and life, and hope to see and host all of you in the next ERPA Congresses.

Best Regards, 

ERPA International Congresses on Education 2017

Organizing Committee

Date of Announcement:   2017-05-26

Detailed Congress Programme of ERPA 2017

Detailed Congress Programmes of ERPA International Congresses on Education 2017 is available below.

For Single Oral Presentations please click here

For Interactive Poster Presentations please click here

For Virtual Presentations please click here

For General Congress Programme please click here


Date of Announcement:   2017-06-02

New Abstract Submission Deadline

Due to your intense expression of interest in participating, we are pleased to announce that the Abstract Submission Deadline has been extended!

New Abstract Submission Deadline is:  2nd May 2017

Warm regards,

ERPA International Congresses on Education 2017

Organizing committee

Date of Announcement:   2017-04-22


Dear ERPA participants,

Selected proceedings in ERPA Congresses on Education 2017 will be sent to the journal of SHS Web of Conferences for publication (if the authors request and pay the publication fee). ERPA 2015 and ERPA 2016 issues that are published in SHS Web of Conferences have already indexed in ISI Web of Knowledge. These proceedings should be well-written in terms of language use (the language of proceedings is English) and should be 5 to 8 pages in length.

Sincerely yours,


ERPA Organizing Committee

Date of Announcement:   2017-01-24


Dear participants,

It is a pleasure to share with you that our issues (ERPA 2014, ERPA 2015, ERPA 2016) are indexed by Web of Science. You can reach the issues by the following links.

ERPA 2014

ERPA 2015

ERPA 2016

Yours Sincerely,

ERPA Organizing Committe

Date of Announcement:   2016-12-01

ERPA 2017 Welcome Message

Dear colleagues,

I am glad to announce you that ERPA International Congresses on Education 2017 will be held in Budapest / Hungary - cited as one of the most beautiful cities in Europe - between 18-21 May 2017. It is an honor for us to invite you to ERPA International Congresses on Education 2017 in which your invaluable contributions will help us to have a fruitful organization. I hope that you will have pleasant memories of this congress which will be a chance for you to meet colleagues, have the opportunity to discuss your work, and establish the ground for new collaborations and joint efforts.
Hope to see you in Budapest / Hungary in May.
Best regards,

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hüseyin ÇALIŞKAN
General Coordinator of ERPA International Congresses on Education 2017

Date of Announcement:   2017-01-07
